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Ridley Centre for Leadership Online Masterclass - Strategic Planning for Churches and Christian Organisations

Join Ridley Centre for Leadership at their upcoming interactive online Masterclass! In this masterclass, you will learn to develop a strategic plan that has focus, buy-in and will effectively direct your energies and resources to achieve your organisation’s vision. You will leave with a robust process, vital tools and useful resources that you will use to facilitate your church or organisation's next strategic planning process.

You will be taken through a step-by-step process for developing, deploying and managing a strategic plan that will bring to life your organisation’s vision and mission priorities. You will practice a technique for facilitating stakeholder engagement that increases ownership and promotes strategic focus.

For many leaders, managing the implementation of a strategic plan is harder than developing it in the first place. That is why so many plans sit on the shelf and fail to influence decisions and resource allocation. This Masterclass will help you ensure the plan is integrated into the life of your organisation and effectively implemented.

Key outcomes:

- Establish a framework for strategic planning and implementation that aligns with the values of a Christian organisation.

- Facilitate a process for clarifying mission and vision, and identifying strategic priorities from a diverse stakeholder group.

- Produce a plan that is clear, comprehensive and excites interest.

- Embed the plan into the life of the church or organisation to maintain focus on promoting its implementation.

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