This may not be your cup of tea, but you may know others who are open to discussion but for whom Darwin and the so called and false science- religion divide is a problem.
The Problem of Jesus
‘The Problem of Jesus’, written by Mark Clark and published by Zondervan is a must read book. It is brilliant, it is moving and it is challenging. It can also reach a wide audience. ‘The Problem of Jesus’ has an apologetic edge to it which makes it very suitable for open skeptics, those unclear but searching
A War of Loves: The Unexpected Story of a Gay Activist Discovering Jesus
The Anglican Church is in danger of splitting apart over the issue of the blessing of same-sex marriages. To make matters worse, the opposing views are passionately held and there seems to be little ground for mutual understanding or dialogue.
David Bennett has written a superb book that all church leaders, all synod representatives and indeed every Christian who is seeking to understand God’s will in this difficult debate should buy and read.
The Good Bishop: the story of Mathew Hale (1811 - 1895)
Peter Corney's review of The Good Bishop: the story of Mathew Hale (1811 - 1895), by Michael Gourlay. was published in the July 2017 edition of The Melbourne Anglican.
Download a PDF version review by clicking here.
Order your own copy of The Good Bishop: the story of Mathew Hale (1811 - 1895). Download the order form here.
Beyond the Screen
Reviewed by Graham Stanton
Andrew Zirschky. Beyond the Screen : Youth Ministry for the Connected but Alone Generation. Nashville, TN: Abingdon, 2015.
In Beyond the Screen Andrew Zirschky, Academic Director of the Center for Youth Ministry Training in Nashville, USA, offers an illuminating analysis of the way teenagers use social media. Zirschky moves beyond reactionary alarm to explore what teenagers are actually searching for, the ways that the ubiquitous use of social media are transforming the way young people understand and experience community, and how Christian practices of koinonia offer a productive way forward.
Churches have tended to respond to social media in one of two ways: regarding technology as the solution to teenagers, or seeing technology as the obstacle toengaging teenagers. Both are false trails based on an underlying myth. Some churches fall for the “moth myth”, that “teenagers like moths, are attracted to things that plug in and light up”. While others believe the “basket myth”: that if we provide a basket for teenagers to deposit their mobile devices in before youth group then they will be more engaged. Neither approach is sufficient because neither considers the way social media has fundamentally changed the way we experience relationships in a networked world.
Central to Zirschky’s analysis is identifying “networked individualism” as the dominant social configuration of teenage culture. Before the industrial revolution, people lived in local communities where relationships were established by living next door to one another. With the industrial revolution, people now live in one location, work in another location, go to church in yet another location, and join in a sporting club in another location. People don’t necessarily form relationships with the people they live alongside. Instead we form communities in various spaces where we congregate with others. In contrast to “local” communities, in these “convened” communities people join communities by attending a particular space. All this has changed in a networked world. Communities are no longer created by virtue of living alongside one another, nor by attending the same venues together. Instead, “community… must be created, convened, and maintained by each individual in the form of a network”. Relationships that were once “door-to-door”, which later became “place-to-place”, have now become “person-to-person”. This is the culture of networked individualism.
Networked individualism has great benefits. When friends move to another city or go to a different school young people can still be connected with their personal network. Gone are the days of having to be bored at the picnic you have to go to with your parents’ friends. With your mobile phone you can take your friends with you. However, along with certain benefits, networked individualism places significant demands on young people: the demand to establish a personal network, the demand to keep your network engaged, the demand to grow your network large, and the demand to be socially selective about who remains in the network. Zirschky points out how each of these demands contributes to relationship that are “anxious, weak, and instrumental”.
In order to combat networked individualism Zirschky looks to the Christian notion of koinonia, particularly drawing on Paul’s imperative to the Corinthian church to “discern the body” (1 Cor 11:29). Zirschky outlines four challenges to the church: to foster relationships of presence, a community of social equality, a community of diverse unity, and a community that expresses creative love for the abandoned.
Rather than leaving the discussion as abstract principles, Zirschky suggests various practices that point toward and enable the church to participate in “the very transformation we hope the Holy Spirit to enact in us”. In contrast to both the moth myth and the basket myth, Zirschky argues that “the more pressing matter may not be figuring out how to get youth to put down their devices, but instead figuring out how to get them to use their devices in ways that are consistent with a Christian ethic of koinonia in which they ‘discern the body of Christ’”.
This book is valuable in two ways. First, it is an excellent example of practical theological enquiry. Zirschky begins and ends in practice, without bypassing rigorous analysis and careful biblical theological reflection along the way. Second, and largely as a result of the first, this book provides a clear and thick understanding of the teenage experience of using social media, as well as a robust Christian response that is both theologically deep and practically achievable.
I'd Rather Be Blind
Reviewed by Diana Arnold
Grant Lock’s book I’d Rather Be Blind is a riveting sequel to his first book Shoot Me First. It contains a collection of short well written anecdotes spliced with evocative poetry and several Biblical stories told in contemporary language. The anecdotes recall his experiences garnered during twenty four years of missionary service in Pakistan and Afghanistan as well as before and after those years. They offer an honest description of what life is really like in an Islamic culture, especially for the poor and for women, and the challenges and frustrations these brought to Grant Quarterly Newsletter Volume 12 Issue 2, June 2017 Page 3 and his wife Janna seeking to serve them with compassion and integrity. Grant Lock shares frankly the tragic irony of his blindness after having been director of Afghanistan’s biggest eye-care program and the lasting effects of PTSD experienced by Janna. The book also includes his answers to Australians quizzing him about Muslims’ beliefs, way of life and political ideology and his comments on the killing of Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, a city he often visited, and on Islamic terrorism and kidnapping.
His use of beautiful poetry that he himself has composed and frequent use of Afghani proverbs reveal the author’s passionate identification with the people of Pakistan and Afghanistan and his deep devotion to Christ. The book is a fascinating record of incarnational mission.